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"Borrowed Heart" only seemed fitting, after all, we are just "borrowing" a heart.  It's strange how that works. It's actually a miracle. We are learning so much more with this wait and it's amazing how all the little parts must fit together in order to make it all work. Jhett is what cardiologists call "sensitized" meaning the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) also known as "antibodies" are what is making the wait take much longer. The accuracy of a match is extremely difficult to find. So what does this mean? Virtual cross matching- this process has the potential to improve availability of organs and improve the overall allocation process... a more intense look at offers and in our case "the more eyes the better". So while we continue to wait we are thankful that Jhett isn't waiting in a hospital. It could all be so much worse...we have been there and done that 10 years ago when Jhett was such a sick baby. When he receive

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